Friday 21 March 2014

This is HOW it works

I have been on a paid job for a while and the same complaint I kept hearing people giving each and every time i engaged them concerning their present employment. They are never satisfied with the current pay and position. They need pay rise, they want to be promoted, they really expects the best to happen.
I have changed job four time and I had only written application letter for my first job. Now the question is "How have i been able to move from the first job to the fifth without writing application letters. One thing i found out since my first job was this, no matter how difficult a position and the deliverable of my posts had proven to be, i had always put in my best not minding the challenges, behaviors, acceptability, environment and other distraction around me. And I have been able to record countless achievement on that simple fact. severally I have been called by people both subordinate and superiors asking me how i have been able to keep the momentum. This has always been my respond, I am not working in those position but rather have decided to become someone more important than my current level. I DAILY CONSCIOUSLY WORK TO BECOME A BETTER PERSON. IT IS NOT ABOUT WHAT THE JOB CAN PAY YOU BUT ALL ABOUT WHO YOU CAN BECOME ON THE JOB. Because that will determine your success, readiness and qualification for the next desired position and pay.