Tuesday 23 April 2013


Now that your resume has spoken for you and employers are eager to meet with you in person. Let me be the first to congratulate you. Let us take this little time to examine the key information that employer is preparing to know about you and this is your chance of convincing them that you are better than others and should be considered for the position. They will test you in all or more of this areas, the genuineness of your bio-data, your employment history,  your leadership skills and capabilities, your areas of strengths, weaknesses and achievements , your ability to relate and work on a team, questions related to your field knowledge and skills, and lastly your future ambitions.

Firstly, you have to prepare yourself to the extent that for everyone you meet in live you have something good about yourself to either tell then or be willing to sell to them. Remember that your service to any organization is a value and the remunerations you get in return are the compensation or exchange for the value you are giving out. Take your time to write about yourself, rehearse it as if you are already facing the interview panel. I am not saying you should cram note or words.  Share your personal values with them and how you are using those values to guide your living. Be choosy of your words because definitely the first question is going to take a form like Can we meet you?  Or Tell us about yourself or How can we meet you?  One thing you should bear in mind is that you have supplied them information about yourself and this is what they are going to use as a reference to all other things that you are going to say about yourself. Mind the way you respond because effectiveness of your communication skills will be tested.

They are so interested about the reason you want to leave your current job and are ready to ask you for such reason.  Please don’t tell them the short coming of the organization you are leaving. Rather concentrate on your skill level and how you would love to put into practice new things you have learnt and how you would want higher responsibility. Remunerations also should not be the centre of the reason you are leaving your current employer. Tell them about new skills that you have acquired and how it will be very relevant to the job you had applied for. This is about the value you are going to add to the organization.

Prepare to answer question about your past experiences, projects handled and challenges faced and how you are able to overcome them. This is a measure of your strengths and weaknesses. Do not attach all the success to yourself because your team capability will be tested. Try to use words like us when talking about projects executed. Be bold to tell them about your past experiences that are related to the job you applied for and tell them challenges which you have gone through  in the past, don’t forget to describe the methods and approaches used in solving those challenges. Tell them your weaknesses in the past.  Don’t forget to tell them about how you identified them, worked on them and have now come out of it. It is a way of testing your level of sincerity. Your personality traits are important to them and will be seen from your strengths and weaknesses.

Another very key area of interest is when employer demand to know your salary expectation. Don’t be quick to answer this else you might be short changing yourself. Tell them the difference in the job responsibility while comparing the demand on your current level with the job you applied for and let them know that there are remuneration pattern for different job classes or levels which you belief their organization should have. Try to research about the pay level before setting out for the interview because sometimes interviewers will compel you to mention an amount.

You will be asked about your future ambition. Let this review everything you put together on your career objective in your Resume. And let them know you are an ambitious person. Tell them the growth plan you have and your career ambition but not in an exaggerating form that will make them consider that you will soon change job if you are employed.
Interviewers may ask you about your knowledge of their establishment and the impact of your role.  Be smart to access their website and read about their product and services and rehash your job requirement so as to know what your services will focus on.

Dress smartly and let your dresses color and combinations match each other. Your appearance has points allotted to it. For more on your appearance read my post on “Appearance Matters”

Success Golden Rule On Your Job

Get Hired, Catch Employer Attention

Appearance Matters

Tips for having a successful day

Friday 19 April 2013

Productivity: the way to career success

Each day may seems passed away without you achieving your set targets because most people spent time trying to work hard instead of working smart. A lot of people really put in their best into making sure results are achieved but has not discover the best way to make working enjoyable with less effort and yet achieving the best results. This is going to be our area of discussion today. Highlighted below are keys to working smartly and achieving great results.

Split target into tasks: every set target is achievable if only it could be translate into tasks or activities. Example: I want to increase my daily earning to $10,000 is an example of goal or target but this does not show HOW? Instead I will say, as an online marketer, I will increase my sales to from $8,000 to $10,000 daily by
1. Adding extra ten customers to my present customer everyday
2. Increase my product promotion by 10% daily
3. Get feedback and improve on customer complain ASAP
4. Increase my advertisement rate from 10 sites to 12 sites
And so on. By this the target has been broken down into activities that can be handled individually to achieve the primary set target.

Priorities your tasks: from the above list of tasks, we can proceed in eliminating those that are not going to produce result. We can also give them preference in order of execution. This makes it easy for us to deal with issues according to order of productivity and impacts on our time. Therefore make calendar on daily or weekly or monthly basis showing order in which your listed tasks will be implement. Make a list of alternative methods or preferable procedure or means by which the tasks will be done with less time. Always be conscious of time in all your planning. Attach time to your list in order of execution. This will ensure you focus on the things that will make you a star.

Have a deadline: the essence of time fixed to your tasks is to be able to measure your performance, therefore follow up with your timing so as to be able to adjust your efficiency and responses. Do not be too flexible in task timing adjustment. Remember time adjustment is an automatic ways of kicking out some of your set target. This will affect your overall efficiency at the end of the day.

Use ASAP instead of WIP: Let your task list be display under a title ASAP (As soon as possible) rather than WIP (Work in progress). It send a signal of urgent delivery into your brain on sighting it as your move on with your daily activities. Try as much as possible to deal with issues immediately and if new tasks pump in into your schedules first consider its urgency, priority and effect before attending to it.  If need be reschedule but never make it a habit to be postponing tasks.

Be organised: do 5S, mark out positions for your accessories. Keep your table tidy and organise your cabinet and files, make them easily accessible so that you save time looking for documents. Throw away whatever you don’t use or need.  Categorise your mailbox, label your folders and arrange the well.
Plane phone call: list the calls to be made alongside in your to-do list so that you do not waste your precious time on phone. Know who to call and calls to receive. This could cause distraction and steal away your time.

Hope this is helpful.
Till I come your way again
Keep excelling in the marketplace.

people that read this post also read the below

Success Golden Rule On Your Job

Get Hired, Catch Employer Attention

Appearance Matters

Tips for having a successful day

Thursday 18 April 2013

How to write an attractive Resume

Resume is a document aim at revealing your capability in terms of knowledge, skills and experiences required for a particular job. I have warmed against the use of static CV for all types of job opening that you are applying for. Each job is never the same in terms of requirements from employers. Your resume is the first meeting point between you and employers. It is one of your key selling points.  

Resume should be maintained at one page or at most two pages, remember that you are not the only candidate applying and employer have limited time to view these resumes. Take a good look at the job requirements and fine tune your resume to show the required knowledge, skills and experience that the employer is looking for.

Make sure you have knowledge of the position you are applying for. And if it is close to your field and it required more information, look for more information on the key responsibilities listed in the job requirement.  
Below is the key information that should be given attention to when writing resume.

Personal details: this should show your name, and how you can be contacted.

Career Objective: Tell the employer about the success you are bringing into their oragnisation if you are given the chance. Do not compose a weak objective statement. Take your time to draft a mouth watering objective.

Skills: use this space very well in stating all the skills that you processed in a well formatted way. Review the job requirements and add additional skills that will give your resuming attention based on what employer is looking for

Educational history: tell them your highest academic qualification which is also the qualification required in the job requirements unless otherwise stated.

Courses attended: tell them about the courses that you have attended that are related to the job opening.  Be smart to briefly highlight the importance of such courses.

Experiences: Take your time to fill in at least three out of your work experiences. Dwell much on your current position. Note, you have to describe your activities results in details. Project undergone should also be mentioned. Tell them what you have accomplished while on those job positions than focusing on your routine activities.

Simplicity: no one is interested about the number of colour, lines, border and painting you give to your resume. Make it neat and simple in nature. Do not copy templates that will not suit your information.

Lastly keep details of the jobs that you have posted your resuming for because this will help you prepare better whenever you are invited. Visit company website to gather as much as information about them and prepare questions that you will also want to know about the establishment

Click on the below image to have a view of a simple but loaded resuming

Till i come your way next time
Keep excelling in the market place

Your comment is highly welcome.

Success Golden Rule On Your Job

Get Hired, Catch Employer Attention

Appearance Matters

Tips for having a successful day

Success Golden Rule On Your Job

Dare to be different

Have you seen a man that is diligent in his work, he shall seat among kings not among mere men : Biblical principle that works.

No employer is ready nowadays to hire liability. Therefore if you mean it and you are ready to go for it, then you have to prepare for it.  I have heard people talking about job security.  There is never anything like job security anywhere. The only security in any job is YOU. Doing what you are called to do or delivering your KPIs in right quality and achieving the expected result at the expected time consistently is the only way to remain on a job. If not employers are eager to change people that are perceived to be a liability until the right person with required qualities or requirements is seen.
Ask yourself these questions.

What is that that am so exceptional in doing?

Is it that this that I love doing that am doing?

Am I passionate about the career that I choose?

How many other things do I do well that I have not pay attention to?

For you to be successful in your assignment or to deliver exceptional quality service required of you by your employer, you have to demonstrate high level of skills, exceptional knowledge and great habits in the course of delivering your duties. This is different from eyes service. Eyes service is trying to impress people in a false way. This will not last if really it is not in you. Believe me, people will soon find out that you are only making it up.  As leadership is learnable so are skills and characters. Recognize your gifts and leverage on them to become exceptional. Pay attentions to other things you do that unconsciously that are value added and develop them to becoming ingredients to making your job simple and easy.

I know many would have read Malcolm Gladwell book titled “Outliers” in which he examines the factors that contribute to high levels of success. There is come to a conclusion that stars are not born but takes practice to attain perfection. Your success is a function of how easy you attain perfection in what you choose to be known for.  My submission is for you to adopt the ten thousand hour as the golden rule.

Look back at when you started your career journey from and be sincere to answer yourself the question that if you have power to change the hand of the clock, will you have choose another career? If you are already on the right career path, congratulations. All that is left for you to do is to take advantage of the technology and swift up. Rev up the engine of your career by taking online courses, attend seminars, read books that are peculiar to your field, make friend with people that knows better than you do, get a mentor in all areas of your life. But if not, it is never too late. Until a man is fulfill in his heart then he is fulfill and successful in life. The best time to correct the future is now.

Lastly, dare to be different, aim to be on top always and make up your mind to be the best in anything that you do. This is the only way that guarantees you success in your engagements. Do it to the extent that if you are suddenly wake from sleep to come and solve a problem, the solution should be readily available in your heart.
 Be a solution provider not a trouble or problem inducer.

See you on top
Till I see you again
Keep excelling

people that read this post also read the below

Get Hired, Catch Employer Attention

Appearance Matters

Tips for having a successful day


Wednesday 17 April 2013

Appearance matters

Let it keep ringing bell in your hear until it enters into your subconscious mind that 'HOW I DRESS IS HOW I WILL BE ADDRESS'

I witness where a very rich man dressed shabbily and entered into a banking hall demanding to see the bank operation manager. initially he was refused and he started making noise that generated to security manhandling him before the Operation manager later showed up.

The point from the above is that he is being treated in that manner because of his appearance. We need to continually work toward excellence and perfection in all that we do.

i saw someone going for an interview putting on fitted evening dress and put on a cowboy cap. it might look very fine but it does not suit the occasion that he is attending. every occasions have its unique dress code, most especially a formal setting.

most people lost job opportunity just simply because of the way they appear at the interview room.

Do not put on what your friends put on because it goes well on him/her but try to find out what fits you. the more you seek for help the better you become. for me people that dressed nicely attracts me. learn colour combination so as to avoid colour mixture(riot).
Are you a fat, slim or average sized person? that is not a problem. talk to designers or fashion advisers, they are out there to make you look good and smile when you look at yourself in a mirror.. looking good is a big business you know!

Till i see you again

Keep excelling

Monday 15 April 2013

Tips for having a successful day

Tips to stating your day Get reloaded as you commit yourself unto the Hand of your Creator and ask for his presence to go with you in all that you shall engage yourself with today. Ask for the leading of the Holy spirit.
Fresh up and dress smartly and presentable with right dress combinations. Make it as fit as possible and make sure all your enhancement are on point. If you have written your to-do list last night like I usually do, congratulations. Review it and adjust where necessary. If you have not, never to late. Take a pause, have your seat and do a quick analysis of what you would want to achieve for the day and put them down in a bullet form. Try as much as possible to break them down to task. Ambiguous to-do are difficult to achieve.

Yeah, guess you are ready to hit the road. Oh, breakfast is important. No matter how busy your schedule might be, make it an habit to always take the breakfast. For me four slices of bread with hot coffee is OK to start the day. Remember health is wealth.

Are you a service provider or a service receiver? Whichever-way makeup your mind to be an happy and excited person that is going to impact people with your service. To make people follow you, you've got to be a good servant to them first. Let first impression counts and always have good compliment ready on your lips to dash out to those you will have contact with. Review your to-do list as many times as possible as the day pass by and don't allow unnecessary and unplanned task or event derail you from your set target. Till I see you again Keep excelling

Get hired "catch employer's attention"

How to increase your employment opportunity

Comparing the rate at which people are haunting for job to  the rate at which they get hired, one will see that not up to (5/100) five in a hundred get hired at the end of the day. What is the major reason? Does it mean the jobs advertised are not available? Or the numbers of people applying are more than the job that are available?

Firstly, not all the job advertised on the internet are genuine, but nevertheless there are still sites that posted real job openings while most sites generated vacancy and use the unemployment opportunity to drag traffic to their web pages. Whichever way, this is not the main reason for written this post. To answer the second question asked above, surely everyone knows that unemployment is a big problem around the world nowadays and this is a prove that the numbers of people applying for jobs supersede the available job. The question now is in spite of all of these, how do I get hired?

Employers are not ready to employ liabilities, anyone that will not be able to render  quality service. therefore they have adopted system or process that automatically make selections easier for them and make applying for a job difficult for job seeker. How? 
Aside from acquiring a degree from any well known institution, there are many other value added courses and certification that are out there which if acquired and matched up with exceptional skills, qualities, character and values will give you a pedestrian to wining in the market place, remember that you are not the only one that hold the degree or higher certificate.the only thing that will differentiate you from thousands of job seekers is your additional qualities and knowledge.

view of this courses or certifications are Project Management, Information Technology Cisco Networking, Microsoft certifications, comptia certification and so many more.  in addition to this, try as much as possible to get certified by the regulatory body that govern your profession, this will give you great edge over others.

Having put all of the above in place, this little tip will also catch employer attention while making selection. Make sure you dont just have a static CV and cover letter, take five minute to review employer requirement in term of skill and adjust your CV and cover letter to accomodate these because your CV and cover letter are the first impression about yourself. 

till we meet again,
keep excelling