Tuesday 23 April 2013


Now that your resume has spoken for you and employers are eager to meet with you in person. Let me be the first to congratulate you. Let us take this little time to examine the key information that employer is preparing to know about you and this is your chance of convincing them that you are better than others and should be considered for the position. They will test you in all or more of this areas, the genuineness of your bio-data, your employment history,  your leadership skills and capabilities, your areas of strengths, weaknesses and achievements , your ability to relate and work on a team, questions related to your field knowledge and skills, and lastly your future ambitions.

Firstly, you have to prepare yourself to the extent that for everyone you meet in live you have something good about yourself to either tell then or be willing to sell to them. Remember that your service to any organization is a value and the remunerations you get in return are the compensation or exchange for the value you are giving out. Take your time to write about yourself, rehearse it as if you are already facing the interview panel. I am not saying you should cram note or words.  Share your personal values with them and how you are using those values to guide your living. Be choosy of your words because definitely the first question is going to take a form like Can we meet you?  Or Tell us about yourself or How can we meet you?  One thing you should bear in mind is that you have supplied them information about yourself and this is what they are going to use as a reference to all other things that you are going to say about yourself. Mind the way you respond because effectiveness of your communication skills will be tested.

They are so interested about the reason you want to leave your current job and are ready to ask you for such reason.  Please don’t tell them the short coming of the organization you are leaving. Rather concentrate on your skill level and how you would love to put into practice new things you have learnt and how you would want higher responsibility. Remunerations also should not be the centre of the reason you are leaving your current employer. Tell them about new skills that you have acquired and how it will be very relevant to the job you had applied for. This is about the value you are going to add to the organization.

Prepare to answer question about your past experiences, projects handled and challenges faced and how you are able to overcome them. This is a measure of your strengths and weaknesses. Do not attach all the success to yourself because your team capability will be tested. Try to use words like us when talking about projects executed. Be bold to tell them about your past experiences that are related to the job you applied for and tell them challenges which you have gone through  in the past, don’t forget to describe the methods and approaches used in solving those challenges. Tell them your weaknesses in the past.  Don’t forget to tell them about how you identified them, worked on them and have now come out of it. It is a way of testing your level of sincerity. Your personality traits are important to them and will be seen from your strengths and weaknesses.

Another very key area of interest is when employer demand to know your salary expectation. Don’t be quick to answer this else you might be short changing yourself. Tell them the difference in the job responsibility while comparing the demand on your current level with the job you applied for and let them know that there are remuneration pattern for different job classes or levels which you belief their organization should have. Try to research about the pay level before setting out for the interview because sometimes interviewers will compel you to mention an amount.

You will be asked about your future ambition. Let this review everything you put together on your career objective in your Resume. And let them know you are an ambitious person. Tell them the growth plan you have and your career ambition but not in an exaggerating form that will make them consider that you will soon change job if you are employed.
Interviewers may ask you about your knowledge of their establishment and the impact of your role.  Be smart to access their website and read about their product and services and rehash your job requirement so as to know what your services will focus on.

Dress smartly and let your dresses color and combinations match each other. Your appearance has points allotted to it. For more on your appearance read my post on “Appearance Matters”

Success Golden Rule On Your Job

Get Hired, Catch Employer Attention

Appearance Matters

Tips for having a successful day

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