Friday 19 April 2013

Productivity: the way to career success

Each day may seems passed away without you achieving your set targets because most people spent time trying to work hard instead of working smart. A lot of people really put in their best into making sure results are achieved but has not discover the best way to make working enjoyable with less effort and yet achieving the best results. This is going to be our area of discussion today. Highlighted below are keys to working smartly and achieving great results.

Split target into tasks: every set target is achievable if only it could be translate into tasks or activities. Example: I want to increase my daily earning to $10,000 is an example of goal or target but this does not show HOW? Instead I will say, as an online marketer, I will increase my sales to from $8,000 to $10,000 daily by
1. Adding extra ten customers to my present customer everyday
2. Increase my product promotion by 10% daily
3. Get feedback and improve on customer complain ASAP
4. Increase my advertisement rate from 10 sites to 12 sites
And so on. By this the target has been broken down into activities that can be handled individually to achieve the primary set target.

Priorities your tasks: from the above list of tasks, we can proceed in eliminating those that are not going to produce result. We can also give them preference in order of execution. This makes it easy for us to deal with issues according to order of productivity and impacts on our time. Therefore make calendar on daily or weekly or monthly basis showing order in which your listed tasks will be implement. Make a list of alternative methods or preferable procedure or means by which the tasks will be done with less time. Always be conscious of time in all your planning. Attach time to your list in order of execution. This will ensure you focus on the things that will make you a star.

Have a deadline: the essence of time fixed to your tasks is to be able to measure your performance, therefore follow up with your timing so as to be able to adjust your efficiency and responses. Do not be too flexible in task timing adjustment. Remember time adjustment is an automatic ways of kicking out some of your set target. This will affect your overall efficiency at the end of the day.

Use ASAP instead of WIP: Let your task list be display under a title ASAP (As soon as possible) rather than WIP (Work in progress). It send a signal of urgent delivery into your brain on sighting it as your move on with your daily activities. Try as much as possible to deal with issues immediately and if new tasks pump in into your schedules first consider its urgency, priority and effect before attending to it.  If need be reschedule but never make it a habit to be postponing tasks.

Be organised: do 5S, mark out positions for your accessories. Keep your table tidy and organise your cabinet and files, make them easily accessible so that you save time looking for documents. Throw away whatever you don’t use or need.  Categorise your mailbox, label your folders and arrange the well.
Plane phone call: list the calls to be made alongside in your to-do list so that you do not waste your precious time on phone. Know who to call and calls to receive. This could cause distraction and steal away your time.

Hope this is helpful.
Till I come your way again
Keep excelling in the marketplace.

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