Monday 15 April 2013

Tips for having a successful day

Tips to stating your day Get reloaded as you commit yourself unto the Hand of your Creator and ask for his presence to go with you in all that you shall engage yourself with today. Ask for the leading of the Holy spirit.
Fresh up and dress smartly and presentable with right dress combinations. Make it as fit as possible and make sure all your enhancement are on point. If you have written your to-do list last night like I usually do, congratulations. Review it and adjust where necessary. If you have not, never to late. Take a pause, have your seat and do a quick analysis of what you would want to achieve for the day and put them down in a bullet form. Try as much as possible to break them down to task. Ambiguous to-do are difficult to achieve.

Yeah, guess you are ready to hit the road. Oh, breakfast is important. No matter how busy your schedule might be, make it an habit to always take the breakfast. For me four slices of bread with hot coffee is OK to start the day. Remember health is wealth.

Are you a service provider or a service receiver? Whichever-way makeup your mind to be an happy and excited person that is going to impact people with your service. To make people follow you, you've got to be a good servant to them first. Let first impression counts and always have good compliment ready on your lips to dash out to those you will have contact with. Review your to-do list as many times as possible as the day pass by and don't allow unnecessary and unplanned task or event derail you from your set target. Till I see you again Keep excelling

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