Thursday 18 April 2013

Success Golden Rule On Your Job

Dare to be different

Have you seen a man that is diligent in his work, he shall seat among kings not among mere men : Biblical principle that works.

No employer is ready nowadays to hire liability. Therefore if you mean it and you are ready to go for it, then you have to prepare for it.  I have heard people talking about job security.  There is never anything like job security anywhere. The only security in any job is YOU. Doing what you are called to do or delivering your KPIs in right quality and achieving the expected result at the expected time consistently is the only way to remain on a job. If not employers are eager to change people that are perceived to be a liability until the right person with required qualities or requirements is seen.
Ask yourself these questions.

What is that that am so exceptional in doing?

Is it that this that I love doing that am doing?

Am I passionate about the career that I choose?

How many other things do I do well that I have not pay attention to?

For you to be successful in your assignment or to deliver exceptional quality service required of you by your employer, you have to demonstrate high level of skills, exceptional knowledge and great habits in the course of delivering your duties. This is different from eyes service. Eyes service is trying to impress people in a false way. This will not last if really it is not in you. Believe me, people will soon find out that you are only making it up.  As leadership is learnable so are skills and characters. Recognize your gifts and leverage on them to become exceptional. Pay attentions to other things you do that unconsciously that are value added and develop them to becoming ingredients to making your job simple and easy.

I know many would have read Malcolm Gladwell book titled “Outliers” in which he examines the factors that contribute to high levels of success. There is come to a conclusion that stars are not born but takes practice to attain perfection. Your success is a function of how easy you attain perfection in what you choose to be known for.  My submission is for you to adopt the ten thousand hour as the golden rule.

Look back at when you started your career journey from and be sincere to answer yourself the question that if you have power to change the hand of the clock, will you have choose another career? If you are already on the right career path, congratulations. All that is left for you to do is to take advantage of the technology and swift up. Rev up the engine of your career by taking online courses, attend seminars, read books that are peculiar to your field, make friend with people that knows better than you do, get a mentor in all areas of your life. But if not, it is never too late. Until a man is fulfill in his heart then he is fulfill and successful in life. The best time to correct the future is now.

Lastly, dare to be different, aim to be on top always and make up your mind to be the best in anything that you do. This is the only way that guarantees you success in your engagements. Do it to the extent that if you are suddenly wake from sleep to come and solve a problem, the solution should be readily available in your heart.
 Be a solution provider not a trouble or problem inducer.

See you on top
Till I see you again
Keep excelling

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